I am surrounded by a garden filled with flowers, shrubs and trees that are home to a myriad of birds and insects, as well as many tiny subterranean beings and organisms. Daily observation of the diversity of life forms in my small part of the world has made me even more aware of the passing of time, and the commonality of experience that we humans share with the rest of our planet – and beyond. This series was inspired by the many old roses in the garden and made me think of a poem I learned when I was little – the “party piece” I used to be asked to recite for visitors when I was about 4 years old:
I wonder, I wonder,
Who lives in the heart,
The heart of the velvety rose.
Is it a goblin?
Or is it an elf?
Or is it the Queen
Of the fairies herself?
COPYRIGHT: Every image on this website is copyrighted by Judith Cordeaux, unless specifically stated otherwise. No image or written information may be copied or duplicated in part or full in any format without the express written permission of the Artist. Full details here